Looking Forward/ Looking Back

I recently took a big step back to see where I was…and where I wanted to be with my art.

Looking Forward: Time for bigger dreams! That’s hard to do when you’ve been working retail for 17 years. But I know I am growing beyond just doing the occasional art fair. Those are something I enjoy…but I need to set my sights on legitimate Gallery shows. To do that? I needed to define in greater detail, what is it that speaks most to me! What inspires me the most? Why do I create? What work do I most desire to put forth and say, “Here! This is me! This is my heart and soul!”

Looking Back: It was necessary to take a critical look at my work. I have a few very strong pieces. Pieces that propelled me ever forward to create. Pieces that I know I could never bring myself to paint over regardless of how much time has passed since I first painted them. But my strongest pieces have no series to complete them. Just one or 2 created in a similar vein.

That’s what I know is holding me back.

I know in my heart that feeds certain insecurities I have when it comes to presenting my work.

I’m taking my time now, to embrace those past works! Exploring, expanding, and evolving each of them into a broader body of work.


“Aurora’s Tales”


Riding the waves…